Project Euler 37: Truncatable Prime

I read the problem statements from both of the problems on hackerrank and project euler.
The problem at hackerrank is more general and has specific constraints. Here is the problem statement:
The number 3797 has an interesting property. Being prime itself, it is possible to continuously remove digits from left to right, and remain prime at each stage: 3797 , 797, 97, and 7. Similarly we can work from right to left: 3797 , 379, 37, and 3. Find the sum of primes that are both truncatable from left to right and right to left below N. NOTE: 2, 3, 5, and 7 are not considered to be truncatable primes.
The constraints for N is 100 <= N <= 10^6

The problem statement is pretty clear about what we want to do. Basically, we call a number prime truncatable if
  • The number is at least 2 digits
  • we continuously remove digits from left to right and the results are prime
  • we continuoulsy remove digits from right to left and the results are prime
We are asked to find the sum of truncatable prime numbers below any N?
The first idea that comes to find is to iterate every odd number (2 is the only prime even number) starting from 11 up to (N - 1) and checking if the number is truncatable.
This idea roughly translates to:
sum = 0
 for i in range(11, n, 2): 
     if all[i]:
         if is_truncatable(i):
             sum += i
Don’t worry about the function is_truncatable(). We’ll be implementing it in a while.
How efficient is the code? This naive code gets TLE. We’re simply bruteforcing for all the odd numbers. Do we actually need all these computations? Or, is there a better way to reduce computations?
Let’s think for a while… What if we can generate all the prime numbers below N beforehand and check for just the prime numbers as the number has to be prime first to be a truncatable prime number?
The best method to generate prime numbers is using the sieve. I'll be using Sieve of Eratosthenes .
Suppose, we have to generate all the prime from 1 to 120.
The basic idea of the sieve of erasthonses is:
  • Make an array of size 121(0 Based Indexing).
  • Mark all the numbers as prime initially.
  • Strikeout all the multiples of 2 by marking them as non-prime.
  • Similarly, strike out all the multiples of 3 and so on
  • Finally, we’ll get an array of boolean value.
See the below visualization from Wikipedia.

Translating, the sieve of erasthonses is straightforward.
MAX = 1000000
prime = [True] * (MAX + 1)

def sieve():
    global prime
    prime[0] = prime[1] = False
    for i in range(2, MAX + 1):
        if i * i > MAX:
        for j in range(i * i, MAX + 1, i):
             prime[j] = False
Let’s revisit the _istruncatable() function and try to implement the code.
  • Start from a number N
  • Remove digit from left one by one
  • After removing, if the number is nonprime then immediately return false.
  • Else continue removing digits until no digits are left.
Use the same logic for removing digit from right by one. This translates to:
def is_truncatable(n):
    quo = n
    rev = 0 
    while quo:
        rem = quo % 10;
        rev = rev * 10 + rem;
        # eg: For n = 3797
        # These pairs are checked 
        # 7 3797
        # 97 379
        # 797 37
        # 3797 3
        # print(reverse_digits(rev), quo)

        # If both of the pairs are prime continue
        if prime[reverse_digits(rev)] and prime[quo]:
            quo //= 10

        # Else immediately return false
        return False
    # If none of the pairs fails, it is a truncatable prime
    return True
If it doesn't make sense, you can 2 passes or use str() and int() builtins. We need to implement _reversedigits() function as:
def reverse_digits(n):
    quo = n 
    rem = 0 
    rev = 0
    while quo:
        rem = quo % 10;
        rev = rev * 10 + rem;
        quo //= 10;
    return rev
Here is our final code :
#Author: Bishal Sarang
MAX = 1000000
prime= [True] * (MAX + 1)
# Reverse a number 
# 123 -> 231
def reverse_digits(n):
    quo = n 
    rem = 0 
    rev = 0
    while quo:
        rem = quo % 10;
        rev = rev * 10 + rem;
        quo //= 10;
    return rev
def is_truncatable(n):
    quo = n
    rev = 0
    while quo:
        rem = quo % 10;
        rev = rev * 10 + rem;
        # eg: For n = 3797
        # These pairs are checked 
        # 7 3797
        # 97 379
        # 797 37
        # 3797 3
        # print(reverse_digits(rev), quo)
        # If both of the pairs are prime continue
        if prime[reverse_digits(rev)] and prime[quo]:
            quo //= 10
        # Else immediately return false
        return False
    # If none of the pairs fails, it is a truncatable prime
    return True
def sieve():
    global prime
    prime[0] = prime[1] = False
    for i in range(2, MAX + 1):
        if i * i > MAX:
        for j in range(i * i, MAX + 1, i):
             prime[j] = False
def main():
    sum = 0;
    n = int(input())
    # For all the odd numbers starting from 11 to n - 1
    # If it is a prime, then check for truncatability
    for i in range(11, n, 2): 
        if prime[i]:
            # If truncatable prime
            # Increase the sum
            if is_truncatable(i):
                sum += i
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the code that uses string to int and int to string conversion.
#Author: Bishal Sarang

MAX = 1000000
prime= [True] * (MAX + 1)

def is_truncatable(n):
    s = str(n)
    t = s[::-1]
    # If none of the pairs fail, it is a truncatable prime
    return all((prime[int(s[:j])] and  prime[int(t[:j][::-1])] for j in range(1, len(s) + 1)))

def sieve():
    global prime
    prime[0] = prime[1] = False
    for i in range(2, MAX + 1):
        if i * i > MAX:
        for j in range(i * i, MAX + 1, i):
             prime[j] = False

def main():
    sum = 0;
    n = int(input())
    # For all thhe odd numbers starting from 11 to n - 1
    # If it is a prime, then check for truncatability
    for i in range(11, n, 2): 
        if prime[i]:
            # If truncatable prime
            # Increase the sum
            if is_truncatable(i):
                sum += i

if __name__ == "__main__":

Yatra 3.0 Coding Competition

I recently participated in a coding competition organized by National College of Engineering(NCE) at Yatra 3.0. I'll be sharing my experience in this blog post.

Here is the info about the contest:

  • There were 7 programming questions, out of which we were required to solve any 5.
  • No internet was allowed.
  • The only languages allowed were C and C++.
  • Total time available was 1:30 mins.
  • The evaluation was done on the basis of correctness and tie was broken by submission time.

The problems were not that hard if you have done some programming before.

  1. WAP to find the sum of digits of a given number until you reach a single digit.
  2. WAP to print a string N times without using any loop.
  3. WAP to swap 2 variables without the use of any temporary variable.
  4. WAP to check if a number is even or odd without the use of arithmetic and logical expression.
  5. WAP to write "Hello World!" without using semicolon.
  6. WAP to print print format specifiers "%s %d".
  7. WAP to add 2 numbers without using + operator.

Note: I may have changed the wording or order of problems as I don't have access to the original question

When I first looked at the questions, I knew or had already seen most of the problems. As the questions were easy, in order to get a good rank, I had to solve the problems as quickly as possible. So, I solved the questions that required less thinking and less time to type. I chose: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 The reason I didn't choose Q1 was that it needed more typing and Q5 because I couldn't think about the solution immediately at that time.


I decided to use C++ as the language of choice, as my knowledge of C has become somewhat rusty and I didn't want to spend a lot of time on debugging and thinking about language syntax. As I wasn't allowed to code on my own laptop, I have to make a template. The questions were basic so I used a simple template:

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Code
    return 0;

2. WAP to print string N times without using any loop.

Having solved several questions on recursion, this question was obvious. I could translate a loop using function call and passing counter variable i as a parameter.

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    cout << s << "\n";

The above loop can be easily written as:

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

void solve(string s, int i){
    if(i == 0){
    cout << s << "\n";
    // Recursively call with paramter (i - 1)
    solve(s, i - 1);

int main(){
    // Code
    string s; cin >> s;
    int n; cin >> n;

    // Call with parameter n. 
    solve(s, n);
    return 0;

4. WAP to check if a number is even or odd without the use of arithmetic and logical expression.

This question made me think for a while. If you are allowed to use arithmetic and logical expression, then the solution is straightforward

if(n % 2 == 0){
    cout << "Even";
    cout << "Odd";

The closest operator, I could think of was bitwise operators, but I wasn't sure. With few trial and errors and observing some common bitwise property, I was able to simulate the above code using bitwise &

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Code
    int n; cin >> n;

    if(n & 1){
        cout << "Odd";
        cout << "Even";
    return 0;

6. WAP to print format specifiers "%s %d".

This question was kind of confusing at first sight. So, I asked the volunteer what was the question asking. The task was to simply print the string "%s %d". This question would have been a little bit tricky if I wasn't allowed to use C++, but since I was allowed I immediately solved it.

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Code
    cout << "%s %d";
    return 0;

Easy right :D ?? If I had to solve it using C, I would have done

// Author: Bishal Sarang
int main(){
    printf("%%s %%d");
    return 0;

7. WAP to add 2 numbers without using the + operator.

This question is a simple math question. My quick thought was, "If I ain't allowed to use plus, can I use minus?". Simple enough, I could write

a + b = -(-a - b)
// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Code
    int a, b; cin >> a >> b;
    cout << -(-a - b);
    return 0;

3. WAP to swap 2 variables without the use of any temporary variable.

This question is one of the common questions which you can find on pretty much any CS related website. The question is simple, but it's kind of tricky as no temporary variable is allowed. I knew I had seen the question, but I didn't remember the exact solution. All I knew was a + b , a - b written in series of statementS. I did some paperwork and with few trials and errors, I was able to derive the relation:

a = a + b; b = a - b; a = a - b;

// Author: Bishal Sarang
 #include  <bits/stdc++.h>
 using namespace std;

int main(){ 
    // Code int a, b; cin >> a >> b; 
    a = a + b; 
    b = a - b; 
    a = a - b; 
    // After Swapping 
    cout << a << " " << b; 
    return 0; 

These were the 5 problems, I solved. I would also like to include solution to remaining problems:

1. WAP to find the sum of digits of a given number until you reach a single digit. This question is not that hard if you know how to extract each digit using modulus(%) operator.

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int solve(int n){
    // Initialize sum with 0
    int sum = 0;
    // Extract each digit and add to sum
      sum += (n % 10);
      n /= 10;
    // If the sum is single digit return sum
    if(sum < 10){
      return sum;
    // Otherwise recursively find sum of digits of the current sum
    return solve(sum);

int main(){
    // Code
    int n; cin >> n;
    cout << solve(n);
    return 0;

5. WAP to write "Hello World!" without using semicolon.

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Code
    if(cout << "Hello"){

    return 0;

This works because the expression inside if is evaluated. Let's see another example to make it more clear

// Author: Bishal Sarang
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // Initially x is 0
    int x = 0;

    // Expression x = 2 + 2 is evaluated
    // So x becomes (2 + 2) = 4
    if(x = 2 + 2){
        // do nth
    // Display 4
    cout << x;
    return 0;

I managed to solve and submit all of the 5 problems correctly in about 15 mins and secure first position in the contest. The second position managed to solve 4 problems correctly who managed to solve the problem in about 45+ mins.

It was a pleasant experience.....
